Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Holiday Workshops a Success!

Workshops held over Thanksgiving and Christmas Breaks were full of learning and lots of fun!  You can find photos of the Thanksgiving workshop on got art? ozark's facebook page.  The December workshop pics will be up soon!

November focused on gift-giving projects!  Art students were able to do a dozen or so different projects to give as gifts to family members for the holiday season!  Vintage ornaments, stone magnets, button bookmarks, bird nest wire necklace, bird nest felted pin, stained glass votives, mod podged clothespin clips, recycled "junk" animals/creatures and wire/bead ornaments were all projects that were made in the three day workshop.  Students came for 3 hours on 3 different days to learn more about types of art and art/craft techniques.  Many enjoyed the mod podge technique!

December had three different types of workshops: older students could do a 3 day for 2 hours class on watercolor and/or a one-day for 2 hours on landscape/watercolor.  Younger students spent class time learning about primary colors, color mixing and basci art concepts.  Older students went through the entire process of learning how to plan a drawing, use materials and actually paint using "grown-up" watercolors (out of tubes, not the trays).  They all enjoyed it and the parents ohh and ahh'd over the finished projects asking "They did this all by themselves?".  The answer was YES!  with a little guidance or direction.

Spring Break workshops will be organized next and possibly a weekly lesson time focusing on basic art skills and techniques. Let me know what you and your family might be interested in...

Also, if there are any groups of ladies that would like to host an art party in their home for a few hours let me know!  I will bring supplies and projects to you based on your interests: crafty type projects, art techniques, famous artists, etc.  Price will be based on number of participants and projects chosen. 

I will get photos posted very soon of all our fun during the workshops!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

tHe aRt RoOm December Workshops Announced!

Sign-Up for tHe aRt RoOm December Workshops by clicking on the page tab.  Submit a form for each child attending.  Cost is $75 per child for the three days, a snack is included.  Thank you for signing up and email if you have any questions!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wonderful World of Art

Art is a wonderful thing in this world...

While teaching about Making Connections while reading this week I re-read two wonderful books revolving around art!  The first being The Art Lesson by Tomie dePaola and the other was Willow by Denise Brennan-Nelson and Rosemarie Brennan.
Willow (Picture Books) Product Details
Students made text-to-self connections with The Art Lesson and then text-to-text when Willow was introduced.  These books reminded me how important it is for students to be able to have creative freedom when doing art.  Children need to have opportunities to explore and discover new techniques and mediums, but just as importantly they need opportunities to create without too many "rules" to follow.

In 7th grade I had an art teacher that wanted our art to look a certain way, regardless if we used the technique correctly or not.  I recall drawing the back of a person's head-- specifically the hair and it not being what she thought it should be.  I became very discouraged with after that year and din't take another art class until my senior year of high school.  My teacher then allowed us creative freedom within certain boundaries.  She was more concerned with the process and not only the finished product.  My love for art was rekindled.  Then in college I was able to take graphic design classes and that love deepened.  Who would have known I would teach art about ten years later??

Those experiences guide me as I teach young children to experience and appreciate art.  I can only hope my impact on their lives has a much more positive outcome.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ozark Craft Fair: Day 1

The Ozark Craft Fair has begun!  Great weather, many compliments, yummy food and a few sales.  Tomorrow is the really busy day and hopefully business will pick up.  Lots of business cards taken and great exposure.  Here are a few pics of my booth:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Come visit us at the Ozark Craft Fair this weekend!  We are on row 16, booth 3!  Help make our debut a success.  Come see my Hide and Seek Art (custom or semi-custom), Hide and Seek Notecards, memorbilia collages, magnetic clips and more!  Hours are 9-6 Friday and Saturday, and 9-4 on Sunday in the Ozark Finley River Park.

Preparations are being made to set-up our booth tomorrow... our debut!  Thanks to the MO National Guard for loaning us a tent and to my wonderful hubby for showing me how to set it up.  And more importantly for his support during this time.  I am making this short because I have more sets of notecards to put together and signage to make for the booth. 

Thanks so much and if you can't make the craft fair contact me to make an order for the items you see in the photos or a custom piece of art!